01 March 2023
In 2022/23 the Digitising Social Care Fund (part of the NHS Transformation Directorate) made £25m available to support the adult social care sector in digitising.
01 February 2023
It’s been three years since the UK formally ceased to be a member state of the EU. In this blog post we investigate the effects this has had on the wider health and social care workforce and whether there are any green shoots that can be taken from a decision that has divided a nation.
01 January 2023
It’s no secret that there’s a shortage of health and care staff across the UK. Figures from September 2022 found that vacancies across the NHS totalled 133,446, a vacancy rate of 9.7% – an increase of almost 2% on the previous year (Government figures).
14 December 2022
Whether you’re a Community Health provider or a Primary Care organisation, our new website has been built to help you find what you need, faster.
09 December 2022
When you’re managing a wide variety of staff who all work different hours and shift patterns, rota planning can be hugely time-consuming and difficult.
26 November 2022
Staff are an organisations’ most valuable asset and when the chips are down, it is even more important to ensure they are happy and motivated. Here are some tips to help keep your staff motivated in the run up to Christmas.
10 November 2022
The best workforce management technology brings together processes and teams across the whole organisation, leading to both short and longer term benefits.
10 September 2022
If you think that your healthcare team requires additional substantive resource, then it probably does. But that alone isn’t going to be enough to secure financial backing from the board.
05 September 2022
In theory, it’s quite simple to sit down with an Excel spreadsheet and plan rotas a couple of weeks in advance.
25 August 2022
Some new research out this month (15 April 2021) by the Living Wage Foundation, says that almost 40% of shift workers are given less than a week’s notice of their working hours.
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